Mobile Penetration Testing
At Adiroha, we understand the importance of mobile security in today's digital age. Mobile devices are no longer just phones or tablets, they are our lifelines, containing our personal and sensitive data. That's why we offer mobile application penetration testing services to help businesses ensure that their mobile apps are secure.

we are committed to providing the highest level of mobile application security testing services to our clients. Trust us to help you secure your mobile apps and protect your sensitive data.
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Mobile Penetration Testing Methodology
Our approach to mobile pentesting is thorough and comprehensive. Our team of experts use the latest tools and techniques to identify potential vulnerabilities in your mobile apps. We then provide detailed reports on the identified vulnerabilities, along with recommendations on how to fix them. Our aim is to help you improve the security of your mobile apps and protect your users' data.
Here are some key aspects of our Mobile Pentesting services:
  • Thorough testing of mobile applications on various platforms and operating systems.
  • In-depth analysis of mobile app's storage and data management.
  • Extensive testing of mobile app communication protocols and API integrations.
  • Identification of vulnerabilities and security gaps in mobile apps.
  • Comprehensive reporting and recommendations for fixing identified vulnerabilities.
Adiroha Approach
At Adiroha, we are committed to providing the highest level of mobile application security testing services to our clients. Trust us to help you secure your mobile apps and protect your sensitive data.
1. Identify Vulnerabilities
Our team of experts thoroughly examines your mobile application to identify any security loopholes, vulnerabilities, and potential threats that could leave your application open to malicious attacks.
2. Testing on multiple platforms:
We conduct mobile penetration testing on multiple platforms including iOS, Android, and Windows to ensure that your application is secure across all platforms.
3. Real-world testing scenarios
Our mobile penetration testing team utilizes real-world testing scenarios and techniques to identify potential security risks and provide comprehensive testing results.
4. Mitigate security risks:
We provide actionable recommendations and remediation strategies to mitigate security risks and ensure that your mobile application is secure from potential cyber attacks.
5. Compliance with industry standards:
Our mobile penetration testing services comply with industry standards such as OWASP, NIST, and HIPAA to ensure that your application is compliant with regulatory requirements..
6. Continuous Monitoring
We offer continuous monitoring and testing services to ensure that your mobile application is always protected from emerging security threats.
Frequently Asked Questions

Mobile applications are increasingly becoming a preferred target for attackers due to their access to sensitive data such as user credentials and financial information. Mobile pentesting helps identify and remediate vulnerabilities in mobile applications to ensure that the sensitive data is protected.

Mobile pentesting can identify a wide range of vulnerabilities including insecure communication, insecure data storage, insecure authentication and authorization, and vulnerabilities in third-party libraries.

Mobile pentesting involves a combination of manual and automated testing techniques. Testers use a range of tools to perform activities such as source code review, network traffic analysis, and dynamic analysis of the application.

The duration of a mobile pentesting engagement depends on the size and complexity of the application. Typically, a mobile pentesting engagement can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.
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